Therefore, if you are thinking about starting a channel on YouTube, you need to learn more about this important aspect of it. To increase this number, you can get YouTube subscribers and follow all the tips and tricks that you will find below.

What is a YouTube Subscriber?

First of all, let’s take a look at what a YouTube subscriber is. When a user discovers and watches a video, he can also browse the rest of the channel’s videos. If he likes the content, he can choose to subscribe to it. When he clicks this button, he is considered one of the channel’s subscribers. After a user has chosen to subscribe to a YouTube channel, he can see the new content uploaded on his personalized feed. Moreover, every user has the option to enable notifications. If this is the case, he will receive a notification and an email whenever you post something new. Subscribers are essential for a YouTube channel because, in essence, they are its audience. These users are the ones who are sure to give views, watch time, and likes on new videos. For this reason, YouTube channel creators are always trying to find new ways to attract users to their videos and retain them. One sure way to bring your channel to more users is to buy YouTube subscribers. When a channel has a lot of traffic, then the platform will recommend it to interested viewers. When you have gathered a large number of subscriptions, you have formed a community for your channel.

How YouTube Counts Subscribers?

Now that you know why you need to buy YouTube subscribers, let’s take a look at how YouTube counts and shows your subscribers. This is important as users will be more inclined to subscribe to channels that already have a huge following. This is also why the most popular channels are also the ones who get the most subscribers every day. You can see your subscriber count on your dashboard in YouTube Studio, both in desktop and mobile applications. The number there is updated almost in real-time. A user, however, can see your subscriber count below your name when he watches a video or visits your page. In 2019, YouTube changed the way that it shows the subscriber count to users. Right now, the number is shown as an approximation of the real one. Namely, a user will see a change when:

You get 1 new subscriber for a channel with up to 1,000 followers, You get 10 new subscribers for a channel with 1,000 – 9,999 followers, You get 100 new subscribers for a channel with 10,000 – 99,999 followers, You get 1,000 new subscribers for a channel with 100,000 – 999,999 followers, You get 10,000 new subscribers, for a channel with 1,000,000 – 9,999,999 followers, You get 100,000 new subscribers, for a channel with 10,000,000 – 99,999,999 followers, and You get 1,000,000 new subscribers, for a channel with 100,000,000 – 999,999,999 followers.

For example, if your channel has 1,469 subscribers, the user will see the number as 1.46K. In the next number, the user will see it’s 1.47K. This example shows you why it’s important to buy YouTube subscribers, always considering your current following.

Why Do You Need to Reach 1,000 YouTube Subscribers?

While you research your new YouTube channel, you might have seen many people mentioning that you need to reach 1,000 subscribers. This milestone is indeed a great achievement for a creator because it means that you can now monetize your content. If you buy YouTube subscribers, you can take advantage of this as soon as possible. There are a few ways with which a creator can make money on this platform. However, most of them are outside YouTube, like selling merchandise, setting up crowdfunding, or earning percentages through affiliate links. The only way to gain a living on YouTube is to join the YouTube Partner Program and enable advertisements. However, to be able to join it, you need to fulfill some requirements. In more detail, you need to have:

At least 1,000 channel subscribers, At least 4,000 minutes of watch time from all of your videos in the last 12 months, Content that complies with the YouTube Partner Program policies, Terms of Service, and the Community Guidelines.

Once you submit your channel for the program, YouTube will review it. After a few weeks, you will be notified about the progress, and you can start monetizing your content. For this reason, you will benefit if you buy YouTube subscribers and hit the requirements as soon as possible.

Easy Ways to Gain More YouTube Subscribers

However, if you want to reach the milestone of 1,000 subscribers, you need to optimize your channel and your videos. This can be achieved in many ways. Of course, you can buy YouTube subscribers, but you can also do the following:

Ask your viewers to subscribe to your channel

likely, users who regularly watch and enjoy your content might not be subscribed to your channel. If you remind them to do so, it is more likely that they actually do. An easy way to do that is to offer them sneak peeks of your upcoming content, thus building the hype.

Make your YouTube channel look professional.

By showing your viewers that you take your channel seriously, you ensure that your content will also be of high-quality. First, create a logo for your page. You can use this as your profile picture or choose a nice photograph of yours. Then, update your cover art with a compelling image that explains the content you post. Lastly, make sure to fill every section on the “about” page.

Create compelling thumbnails

The only way to get organic views is to capture users’ attention. This can primarily happen by the thumbnail you use. It is a good idea to be consistent when it comes to your graphics. This way, your channel will obtain a branded look and make it easier for users to distinguish your content.

Write a great video title and description

Your videos’ titles, descriptions, and tags are important for SEO and your organic discoverability. If you buy YouTube subscribers and get a lot of organic traffic, you will automatically gain a big audience.

Engage with your viewers

This is a crucial part of the growth of your YouTube channel. By interacting with your viewers, you can convert them into subscribers and gain their trust. To achieve this, make sure that you heart your favorite comments and answer some of them. These tips will naturally increase the number of your subscribers without much effort. Try to buy YouTube subscribers and combine them with these techniques for optimal results.

Advanced Ways to Increase your YouTube Following

If you want to take your channel to the next level, you can try these more advanced techniques for increasing your audience. In more details:

Organize a contest

Users love winning things. You will be surprised at how many new followers you will gain if you organize a contest. However, for better results, target your promotions to users with interests similar to that of your channel.

Upload your video’s transcriptions

A hidden way to boost the SEO of your videos is to upload their transcription. In the same way, you can even upload it in various languages to have a great reach.

Cooperate with other YouTubers

There is no greater promotion for your channel than to cooperate with another creator. Both of you will benefit from reach each other’s audience.

Create longer videos

While you might find this challenging, make sure that your YouTube videos are longer than 10 minutes. The greater the watch time in your channel, the easier it is for your videos to reach a wider audience.

Upload a channel trailer

A short channel trailer can go a long way when it comes to convincing users to subscribe. The trailer must be short, fun, and reveal the tone of your channel. Of course, these techniques will be much more effective if you buy YouTube subscribers.

How to See the Subscriber List of your Channel?

Getting a lot of subscribers is important for the growth of your new channel. So, when you buy YouTube subscribers, you should expect an increase in this number. A high number of followers will also increase the number of users that come organically from YouTube. On your channel’s YouTube Studio, you can immediately check the number of your subscriber list. To do that, follow these steps: Step 1: Click on the profile picture given at the top right corner of your screen. Step 2: From the menu, click the “YouTube Studio” button. Step 3: On your dashboard, choose the button “Analytics.” This menu will show you the watch time, views, and subscribers of your channel. Moreover, you will see which videos are performing better, as well as real-time statistics. You can also change the timeframe to check your YouTube channel’s progress through time. However, keep in mind that not all of your subscribers will show on your recent subscribers’ section. In more detail, you will see only the users who have chosen to follow your channel publicly and have joined it in the last 28 days. On the contrary, you will not see all those who have joined privately or their channel has been suspended. In any case, you can buy YouTube subscribers according to your channel’s needs.

Why There is a Difference between the Public Subscriber Count and the Real-time Count?

Many creators have a common question when checking their subscriber count because usually, there is a difference between the subscriber list on the channel and the analytics. This means that the numbers are not consistent, resulting to further confusion. If you buy YouTube subscribers, you might think that the service is not working. However, this is not the case, as it is something that happens to everyone. This happens because it takes some time for YouTube to update the real-time list in analytics. More specifically, the count is updated after 48 hours, and so you should wait before you check the results. Additionally, as we have mentioned above, you will not see the subscribers that have followed your YouTube channel in private. For this reason, your subscriber count will always be slightly inaccurate. However, if you buy YouTube subscribers, you will see an impressive increase in your followers without having to worry about private accounts.

Why Does YouTube Deletes Subscribers from Channels?

Another great problem that many YouTube creators face is that the platform often deletes a few subscribers. Nevertheless, you don’t have to worry about that, even though it will decrease your subscriber count. After this incident, you will need to buy YouTube subscribers and give your channel a lot of time and effort. Every three or four months, YouTube will check a large number of its users. Through this progress, the algorithm spots the spam and inactive accounts and deletes them. If these accounts were in your following list, then they will be removed from it. If you are lucky, the change from this will not be a big one. Unfortunately, there isn’t a schedule for this process, and so it can happen on any given day. Yet, keep in mind that you can always recover from it. Buy YouTube subscribers to boost your channel once again and take advantage of a new and more engaged audience.

The Way to Hide your Subscriber Count from your YouTube Channel

Like the platform users, as a channel, you can also set your subscriber count to public or private. If you have set it to the public, then the number of users that have joined your channel will be displayed in the way we have explained above. However, if you set it to private, no-one will be able to find it out. In some cases, you might benefit from hiding your subscriber count, while others want it visible. Therefore, it’s useful to know how you change this setting. You can easily do this through the following steps: Step 1: Click on your profile picture located at the top right corner of your screen. Step 2: From the menu, click the “Settings” button. Step 3: Click the “Privacy” button. You will find it on the left side of your dashboard. Step 4: There, you will see the “Keep all my subscriptions private” option, and you can turn it on and off by clicking it. With this easy process, you can change this setting. Buy YouTube subscribers and then make your subscription count public to attract more users to your channel.

The 10 Most Subscribed Channels on YouTube

Now that you know what subscribers mean and how you can handle them, let’s take a look at the most popular channels on the platform. The channels are all very different from one another, even though they all have gathered millions of followers. The only way to reach their success is to buy YouTube subscribers and follow all the tips mentioned above. The most subscribed channels on YouTube, as of today, are the following:

T-series – 148 million subscribers, 118 billion views PewDiePie – 106 million subscribers, 26 billion views Cocomelon – Nursery Rhymes – 89.8 million subscribers, 72 billion views SET India – 78.8 million subscribers, 61 billion views 5-Minute Crafts – 67.6 million subscribers, 18 billion views WWE – 64 million subscribers, 46 billion views ✿ Kids Diana Show – 60 million subscribers, 34 billion views Zee Music Company – 59.6 million subscribers, 28 billion views Canal KondZilla – 59.4 million subscribers, 31 billion views Like Nastya – 58.4 million subscribers, 39 billion views

As you see, most of these YouTube channels are English speaking, even though in the top 10 there are a lot from India. Moreover, there is not a clear trend emerging for the niche of YouTube channels. This means that if a YouTube channel is great and releases high-quality content can easily win over the audience. Keep these facts in mind and buy YouTube subscribers to bring your YouTube channel to even more users.


Subscribers are an important part of the growth of your YouTube channel. It is essential to understand how they work and how you can attract more of them. Remember that you can always buy YouTube subscribers to give more traffic to your YouTube channel and make the algorithm favor you. In any case, subscribers enable you to gain even more followers and let you monetize your content.

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