How to attract readers to your blog?

1. Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques

Bloggers need SEO right from the beginning in order to grow their readership from their target audience. This strategy works for anyone who wants to boost their readership online. It means optimizing your blogs throughout search engines like Bing, Google, and so on. It makes it possible for the internet to discover your blog. Get your homework done in this area to stand a good chance of excelling in your blogging efforts!

2. Monitor Your Blog through Google Analytics

Add Google Analytics to your site to get information about your site traffic. It will help you to understand times when your site gets high traffic, the frequency with which people are visiting your site, and the time they are spending on it. This way, you will get to know when your audience is likely to bounce off due to content that is not engaging them. These are important metrics to study to adjust your blog presentation to keep readers on it for the longest time.

3. Social Media Platforms

Networking with others through social media platforms is also advantageous. For instance, you could pick up a Google+ account as a means of optimizing your site for search. Google+ was available to the public and can be used as an official hub for all link backs via an online search. When you sign up via the service, you get a chance to edit links into your profile that Google will connect with your online identity or brand. These results rank in search when prospective readers come around.

4. Make Use of Online Communities

Based on your niche, you can network with people having similar interests. Online forums and communities are a perfect way to introduce your blog to a niche group of readers with tastes like yours. Therefore, you can leave a link back to your site using your forum identity signature and connect to other areas where you are known. The help of a professional writer service is useful in working around this idea.  These communities give you some internet credibility that will develop trust among your readers.

5. Build a Sense of Belonging

Readers should have the feeling that you are speaking directly to them. They need to have a sense of being part of your blog. When you engage them directly through your writing, you are cultivating a sense of familiarity and loyalty that they need. As you involve your readers in your writing by making reference to comments they made or inside jokes, they will connect with will make them feel part of your community.

6. Respond to their Comments and Feedback

Get to understand the comments they are making from time to time and respond to their feedback. It is one of the ways to continue interacting with them and giving them a reason for coming back for more from you. If you take the time to respond to them, they will keep following up on your blog and become loyal to it.

The Bottom Line

It is not enough to put up a nice blog. Attracting devoted readers and creating connections with them should be a priority for all bloggers. Here is how to do it!

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