New Facebook Like Box Using CSS Stack Effect Installation Tutorial

  1. Blogger Dashboard › Select a blog › Layout (Page Element) › Add an HTML/Javascript Gadget 2. Then paste any of the follow widget code in that and save this HTML/Javascript gadget Note: Must change the “techprevue” with your page id In general condition, Facebook page URL is as following – But if you have a very new Facebook page then it may as following – It is highly recommended to change your Facebook page URL by copying it from your web browser’s address bar. :)  

Style 1: Pure Design – For this widget use following code


Style 2: India Design – For this widget use following code


Style 3: Shine Design – For this widget use following code


Style 4: Sliver Design – For this widget use following code


Style 5: Sky Design – For this widget use following code


Style 6: Pearl Design – For this widget use following code

Please review this widget with your comments.

A Wonderful Branding Free Facebook Like Box - 11